If you choose to be a private patient in a public hospital you will not be guaranteed a single room and you will be responsible for hospital, medical and diagnostic expenses Health insurance only applies when you are admitted to hospital for the birth of your baby and does not apply to your pregnancy related visits or expensesConsider what type of room you would like to have following the birth of your baby All labour rooms are private, and the cost is covered by OHIP On the postpartum floor, OHIP covers ward rooms (4 people/room) If you would prefer a semiprivate (2 people/room) or private room, you can request this when you arrive at the hospital in labourDelivery rooms Most delivery rooms have easy chairs, bean bags and mats, so you can move about in labour and change position Some have baths, showers or birthing pools You should feel comfortable in the room where you are giving birth Some maternity units may offer you a bath or shower A warm bath can be soothing in the early stages of labour
Pregnancy And Birth Baylor University Medical Center Part Of Baylor Scott White Health